It all starts with a cuppa…
Whether it’s creativity, leadership or workplace culture that you’re interested in… or maybe you just have a sneaky feeling that something could be improved at work and you’re not sure what that is yet. Let’s have a chat, you never know what we might come up with.
Click the cup and we’ll get the kettle on.
Consultant to the Consultants
Ahhh consultants, we know you well. You’re brought in as the master of everything - expected to develop people, create magical presentations, tailor each experience to each client, make sure it’s memorable and creative, whilst also sticking to some kind of ‘plan’ and some extremely strict (yet also fluffy) curriculum guidelines.
From creative support, to writing content in line with qualification criteria and generally helping to keep you sane, we can help… click the phone to get in touch.
Creative Creatures
Creative Creatures shows how (rather than if) you are creative… everyone is creative in their own unique way.
It is a visual and memorable way of identifying your creative strengths across five core archetypes: Stimulator, Spotter, Sculptor, Selector, Supporter.
Click the Creatures to find out more about the work we do with Hanne and the team.